Monday, June 11, 2012

"I Be Up in the Gym Just Working on My Fitness!"

Hello All,

So I've been pretty busy this past week. When I said I was back in the game, I was not playing. Tuesday, I went to the fitness challenge workout. We ran for 30 minutes straight. I did about 7 laps in that time.  On Wednesday, with very sore thighs I went to the spin class. Jesus Cristo! I did it... and I stood up. I wasn't sure if I could do it standing but I did and it actually helped with the numbness. The next day.. I was still sore. Thursday was another fitness challenge workout and we did squats, lunges and push-ups. In between each set, we did a lap around the track. Talk about overwhelming.. but I did it! Friday and Saturday were my rest days, and Sunday, I decided to be something like Super(big)woman. First I swam in the pool for about 30 minutes. An hour later, I took Diana to the Claremont Wilderness Park. It's a 5 mile loop. All the reviews said it was manageable but they must hike and bike often. I could only do 1.5 before I had to turn around. I was getting out of breath and so tired. I was so mad at myself for quitting.. I wanted to go this afternoon and try it again but I just don't feel comfortable hiking by myself. Even if there's a trail. So today, I ran around the Claremont neighborhood. 3.5 miles of walking and jogging. 80% jogging and 20% walking. Nola invited me to run in the Pajama 5K in Long Beach on the 30th and I think I'm going to do it but I want to be somewhat prepared. So tomorrow is another fitness challenge workout.. we're working on abs. Should be fun.. I really don't see a reason for me to work on them just yet. It's kind of pointless since I have (obviously) lots of fat covering my abs. I have to lose that first but I'll be there. Learn a few workouts and probably run the track afterwards (if I'm not tired).

So now, I just have to start eating right. I think my calorie diet is around 2200-2400 but I can't be sure. It may be much lower but I'm thinking I probably eat more calories at lunch and dinner than I realize.

So here's the plan for this week:

Sunday: Swim/ 3 mile hike
Monday: 3.5 mile run
Tuesday: Ab workout/ 1 mile run
Wednesday: 1 hour spin class
Thursday: Fitness Challenge workout
Friday: rest
Saturday: Swim
Sunday: Swim/ Play tennis (maybe?)

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