Saturday, March 10, 2012

Six Word Memoirs

Hello Everyone!

It's been such a long time since I was last here. Blame it on mid-terms. It's been a crazy time for me with work, school, volunteering, and committees. But I just had to write about a wonderful session that I went to today for the NASPA Conference in Phoenix! The session was called A Phoenix Rising: Professional Renewal Through Meaning-Making. The presenters were Dr. Michele Murray and Dr. Robert Nash. Amazing topic. Halfway through their presentation, they asked everyone in the room to create a six word memoir that answered one of these three questions:
  1. What have been major themes of your life?
  2. What themes describe your professional experiences?
  3. Which six words best describe you, thus far?
They were asking us to write concise and succinct personal narratives. Do you think you can sum up some of your most challenging experiences in six words? I didn't.. and yet.. here are mine...

  1. Hakuna matata. It means no worries. (The Lion King)
  2. Strength is weakness leaving the body. (Marine Corps slogan)
  3.  Ariel: God's Lioness. I don't roar.
  4. When the rains come, I dance.
  5. Home is where my parents reside.
  6. I'm multiracial. Don't call me Other!
  7. What a difference a year makes.
  8. Reality called. Dreams Deferred. What's next?

And here are a few that my group wrote:
  1. Deeply content. Still searching for inspiration.
  2. A fortuneteller told me "believe yourself."
  3. Please don't yuck on my yum.
 What is your six word memoir?